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Also from the issues of aqeeda (belief) that we have concerning this issue of rizq, is that which Allah SWT has already prescribed and decreed for you it will come to you. It will come to you whether you like it or not and that decree has already finished, it was written much before you were born, Allah SWT has already decreed this. So the only thing that is upon us then is to try our best. To go to the best of our abilities to try and attain that rizq.
In the hadith of Abdullah Ibn Masood (RadiyAllahu Anhu), the Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said:
“That when all of us were in the wombs of our mothers” you and i, from the richest person on the face of the earth to the poorest person on the face of the earth, “for 40 days we were a drop of sperm and then for 40 days we were like a blood clot and then for 40 days we were like a lump of flesh. After 120 days had passed, Allah SWT had ordered the angel to come while we were still in the wombs of our mothers. The angel was ordered to write 4 things concerning us. Our life span, our rizq, our actions and whether we would be from the successful or from the wretched and then angel blew into us our spirits.”

Allah SWT had already decreed this. So why then do we become jealous of our family members? Of our brothers, sisters, neighbours, friends and people within the community? When we see that there are some people who are more affluent than us, people who have more money than us, people who Allah SWT had favoured more than us, people who Allah SWT had given these blessings to more than us, why do we become so upset? It is not them nor is it their fault. That is their rizq that Allah SWT had rewarded for them and likewise, the rizq that Allah SWT had written for us.
That is why The Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said:
“That indeed the holy spirit, Jibriel (Alayhis salam) came to me and he inspired to me that there is not a single soul, a single person, not that a single person will die until its lifespan has reached its full cycle, until that person takes all that their rizq that Allah SWT had decreed for them, so fear Allah and do things to the best of your ability.”
Try to the best of your ability to take from the rizq of Allah SWT through halal means but know it is something Allah SWT had decreed.
That is why also, from the most important things we need to know and acknowledge from the issues of aqeeda (belief) concerning our rizq, that just because someone has more rizq or has more wealth or is more affluent, that does not necessarily mean that is a sign of Allah SWT. Doesn’t mean just because someone is rich or they are successful or they have money or more cars or houses, doesn’t necessarily mean Allah SWT loves them. Just as it is not a sign that those people who don’t have money or that don’t have wealth, that Allah SWT necessarily dislikes or hates them. That is our aqeeda (belief). That is what we believe. It is not a sign of Allah SWT love or hate that he gives from his rizq in this life, why? Because this dunya (world) is for everyone and if that reasoning was to be correct, then the disbelievers wouldn’t have anything from the rizq and the believers would have everything but as the Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said to us:
“that this dunya and everything within it, in the sight Allah SWT is only equal to the wing of a mosquito.”
It is worthless, it is insignificant in the sight of Allah SWT. That is why the Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) would spend his time with the weak companions, with the poor companions, those were the companions who he would share his meals with. Those were the companions who he would look after and seek out. The Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said:
“You will only gain success, you will only be victorious, you will only gain the rizq of Allah, through the weak members of the community.”
This is something we have lost now. When we as individuals or us as a community or as a society look down upon and frown upon the weak and the poor. The orphans and the widows. The people whom no longer can look after themselves, financially be able to look after their affairs. Where as the Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) and his companions would seek out these people. Abdullah Ibn Umar (RadiyAllahu Anhuma) wouldn’t break his fast unless there were poor people sitting at the same setting as him and if there wasn’t a poor person with him, he would say to his family, you eat and he would take some food and seek them out to break his fast with them. That is how the companions were.
That is why The Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said: “bring me your weak, show me your poor.” That is who the Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) wanted. That is why Allah SWT in the Quran gave us the example of Qarun. A man who Allah SWT had given to him so much wealth. So much of the treasures of the dunya (world), he had so much, that he would need the strongest men to hold them but the thinking with him, all the wealth he had received, his thinking, his logic was that Allah SWT was pleased with him. So he had become arrogant and said, all of this I have is because of me. My intelligence, my family, my efforts. So what did Allah SWT do to him? What was the example Allah SWT made of him? “We caused the earth to swallow him up and everything he had possessed and owned.”
That is why my brothers and sisters of islam, from the issues of aqeeda (beliefs) that we have concerning our rizq (sustenance) that one if the ways that we increase in our rizq (sustenance), one of the ways Allah SWT blesses what we already have from our rizq (sustenance) is that we spend in the way of Allah SWT. As the Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said: “Wealth has never decreased because of giving in charity.”
In the sight of Allah SWT, that which you give of zakat, charity for the sake of Allah SWT, that is what multiplies in the sight of Allah SWT. That is what will increase. That is what Allah SWT will bless for us and our families.


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